HTML-5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It was finalized, and published, on 28 October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This is the fifth revision of the HTML standard since the inception of the World Wide Web.

HTML-5 is geared to those who want to edit and write HTML code by hand. Knowing how the nuts and bolts of a webpage fit and work together gives you the means to utilize HTML5 is full potential. Debugging and tweaking the code is easier and it greatly facilitates search engine optimization (SEO).

Fundamental changes are coming with the development of APIs that will run in HTML5 – exciting and powerful new tools that will take the internet places we can not begin to imagine. Also new elements such as the< header >, < nav > and< article >have been introduced which will help search engines analyze web pages better.

The internet will absorb television the way it has telephone technology. Now if you want to add video to your page you either have to add a complicated script to your page, embed a YouTube video or have to open it in a separate application such as Windows Media Player. The former is not easy and the latter two lack professional polish. HTML5 is new < video > tag will solve that problem. At the moment no one can agree on what video format to use. Eventually they will work that out and when they do making and distributing television programs will be within the reach of everyone who can make videos and write HTML.

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